Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Andrew rocks!

Well, after about two years of work, Launch Day has finally launched! Yes, pun intended. God has brought a great group of guys to join this adventure and they had their first gig on Channing's 9th birthday at the O.C. Tavern down in San Clemente. Two joyous occasions will forever be burned in my mind. My little boy is growing up and my man is on stage again where he belongs. I was nervous, he was not. I believe it's because that is what God made him to do...play music! The show was fabulous and they sounded stellar. He looked mighty sexy up there too, I have to add. I can't wait to see what ride God is sending us on. I have been on a high ever since.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIGHTEOUS, BRO! You guys definitely rock. And the photos of the boys are totally hilarious.
-Yer sis