Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Angels Game

 Had a grrrrreat time at the Angels game last night with Seth, Channing and Chase. It was jersey night, so the boys got jerseys. The Angels rallied to win in the eighth. Yeah, rally monkey! And lest I forget ... I snagged a foul ball. Yes finally I was "that guy" -- the guy that gets the foul ball. It was pretty cool. Held it up for all to see, felt the cheers, and handed it off to Chan for safe keeping. The boys had a lot of interest in the game, had a ton of excitement, cheered their hearts out, and we had a terrific time. If you can tell, I was pretty pumped about the night. Poor Chase was just about falling asleep in his chair by the ninth. But Seth wanted to stay 'til the end, which filled my heart with pride, so we happily stayed. It was easy to stay for the other boys, such a great game. Noone complained. We smuggled in animal crackers and apple slices. Had a "preferred parking" pass, so got to be big important people and parked in the big important people lot.
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Anonymous said...

DUDE, YOU THE MAN O' THE YEAR! I was so excited to get the full descripton of the game. I excitedly said to Soenke: "I forgot to tell you, AC caught a foul ball!!" And he looked at me blankly, "what's a foul ball?". Sigh... but it was really cool to describe the whole procedure to him (particularly the people-jumping-over-the-seats, a victor emerges, holding the ball up, on the big screen & broadcast around the nation (?), and the huge cheers from the crowd. He was pretty interested. See you soon!

Love, Yer Sis

Sis said...

Yeah, uh, feel free to UPDATE, bro! We waitin' for mo'..